Maria Blake, the newest member of DCI’s Board of Directors.
In August 2021, Maria Blake joined Dharma Care’s Board of Directors as Vice Chairperson. Her extensive experience in human resource development is certain to further enhance the quality of the Dharma Care team and in turn our many charitable endeavours. Maria has retired from her senior roles in government and universities, but luckily for DCI, continues to work as a volunteer in welfare, devoting her time and considerable expertise to help those in need.
Here’s what she told us about herself.
I’m Maria Blake, from the west coast of Australia. I enjoy retirement but was also looking for something meaningful to do with my time. I had a stimulating career in human resource development, working at high levels in government and universities. So when I was approached about joining the Board of Dharma Care Inc., I was expecting a very competent but not necessarily a high-powered group.
Well, did I get a surprise! This Board is very sophisticated, full of energy, focus and creativity. The obligations of charitable status, both legal and personal, are given the highest attention at all times. We use sophisticated tools to build teamwork and efficiency, holding ourselves and each other accountable for conduct and results. At the same time we have lots of laughs and yes, some silliness.

We can see the progress being made in our work, despite the very difficult circumstances created by the pandemic. Where there is downtime, we use it creatively to build for the future – like the repair work happening at Sine Cera, our beautiful rainforest retreat in northern New South Wales; or expanding the extent and sophistication of our our social media presence. Where there is opportunity we move quickly to embrace it – such as building a network of Patrons and Ambassadors to raise awareness of our work in Australia and overseas.
The DCI Board, just like the organisation itself, has the special energy that comes from a clear focus, a deep desire to serve humanity, and a preparedness to create a bright future by accessing the creative wellspring within both ourselves and the people we serve.
Life is full of surprises, and this is one that I’m very glad that I encountered by accepting the invitation to join the Dharma Care Inc Board.

Maria Blake, Dharma Care International Board Member