0% Child Stunting Achieved In Some Areas
Project Background
WHO defines stunting as the failure to reach one’s potential growth and development due to insufficient nutrient intake, poor hygiene and frequent infections and is associated with terrible disadvantages. Since 2021 Dharma Care has collaborated with major Indonesian charity, Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) to support community-run Posyandu (Integrated Health Services Centers) in villages to spread knowledge of the risk of stunting among families, especially those with pregnant women.
After two years providing training for volunteer health workers, food packages for expecting mothers, plus continued awareness campaigns in the community. Results show a spectacular decrease in the number of babies born stunted.
Last year, Dharma Care donors contributed AUD12,300 towards this project to provide training for volunteer health workers, food packages for expecting mothers, plus continued awareness campaigns in the community. A testament to the collective efforts is the significant reduction in stunting rates, with the majority of centers achieving an extraordinary feat of 0% stunting rates among enrolled babies compared to the national average of 21.6%.
Currently, the country is home to over 6 million stunted children. Many factors contribute to childhood stunting, and these factors are often linked: poor nutrition and a lack of access to diverse foods; poor sanitation and no access to clean drinking water; lack of proper healthcare for children and their mothers; and inadequate psychosocial stimulation and/or parent-infant bonding.
24-25 Project Aim
The 2024 project aims to continue our two-year plan for stunting prevention in Kalimantan. This time, we are expanding our efforts to Kasongan, a neighboring area with a high prevalence of stunting. The aim is to scale up our project and address the stunting prevalence in the region.
More information: yumindonesia.org
You can continue to DONATE to this amazing project. Help us to expand its reach and prevent children from developing the life-long affliction of stunting and its associated disadvantages.
24-25 Target: AUD $15,300