Football as a Vehicle to Support Destitute Children, Kalimantan

Project Description:
The minimum wage for people in Central Kalimantan is well under $200 a month. Parents find it difficult to send their children to school let alone undertake recreational activities. As a result of extreme poverty, limited education and poor nutrition, Central Kalimantan has one of the highest stunting rates in Indonesia – many children are underweight and below average height.
BFIF began in 2015 with just 14 children. Today BFIF has over 340 children playing soccer, including three all-girl teams. It also reaches over 1,000 students in local schools and provides an antidote to the growing problems of drugs in the community. The children are provided with nutritional support, COVID food packages and health information, social awareness training, as well as English language classes. Please see video / images below.
More Information:
Annual target: $76,000
Download the latest report on project progress.
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Whenever I play football, my problems just disappear. Wiwid, BFIF Player, Kalimantan