Supporting Lives In Need – Dharma Care Future Fund

To expand support for people facing homelessness, we need more regular donors.

Our Success & Impact 

Dharma Care has been operating since 1981. As our impact reports and newsletters show, we are having a great impact in improving the lives of destitute people in Australia and overseas. And, the feedback we get proves we are doing it in a way that we hope brings a sense of pride to our donors.

Our Need

Dharma Care is at a point of transition in its 44-year journey. We have exciting plans, such as providing social support for those experiencing homelessness, but we need reliable funding to bring on board the professional and managerial skills required to implement those plans.

However, Dharma Care, like many other charities, is challenged by falling donations due to cost-of-living pressures – at the very time charitable support is most needed.

Our Appeal

So, we have come up with a plan we believe just about anyone can support to help us do more. 

We are seeking a commitment of just $10 per month (or more) from 500 people so we can move ahead with our plans.

We think this is an achievable goal – a minimum of just $10 (tax-deductible) per month per person.

Can you please help us reach this target and secure Dharma Care’s future?

Dharma Care’s success has only been possible because of your care for others, so it would be a great boost to our common cause to have your support again at this important time in our evolution.

Your tax-deductible gift ensures we continue helping those in need.

Donate to Dharma Care today and help us change lives tomorrow.