The last few weeks has seen the flood recovery centres beginning to close.
We are seeing more than usual numbers of people accessing food, petrol and support for electricity vouchers and the need to advocate for clients to ensure suitable utility payment plans are in place, that are realistic and affordable for our clients.
Case 1
We are supporting a Mum with 4 children, who has lost her employment due to the extreme weather event. Mum has applied for a parenting payment but after the rent, bills, petrol and basic needs. There is a balance of $40 left over for food.
This creates stress and the uncertainty around how do I feed my kids this fortnight. I find it distressing to hear that mums are going without meals a few nights a week in order for the kids to have enough food available. We were able to assist with a hamper of pantry supplies, a large box of fresh produce and eggs, which was used to supplement a Dharma Care $250 food voucher.
“This will help alleviate the distress for the school holidays around having enough food to feed kids while there home for the next 2 weeks. Thank you, Dharma Care, and KT I’m now able to relax a little and enjoy my kids being home for the holidays and not worry about having enough food.”
Case 2
We were able to support a Grandmother who has taken on caring for her 4 grandchildren after their parents lost their house in 2022 flood. Nan received an age pension and wasn’t eligible for any support for grandkids in regards to financially supporting them or helping to provide material aid for the kids, who had lost everything. We were able to assist with Furniture, hampers Fruit/Veg and clothing for the little people.
We were able to support Nan with a Dharma Care Card of $250 to do a decent grocery shop for her grandkids. My client burst into tears after receiving her care package, stating how hard it was to feed 4 children on an aged pension and very little support available to her.
Case 3
Young Mum with 2 small children who had just recently moved to the area before the 2022 flood event to escape severe domestic violence. This family lost everything and were sleeping in their car for a month before accessing our service. We were able to assist with crisis accommodation referral to a Domestic violence service.
We provided furniture, clothing, shoes, hampers x 3 and a Dharma Care Card of $250 to help with food expenses while my client set up her new temporary accommodation for herself and her children. We were able to work with the DV service to ensure that her family were supported and had access to the basics. Kyogle together provided all the material needs and Dharma Care provided the groceries.
“Thank you KT and Dharma care, it’s amazing to not be sleeping in our car as its getting really cold.”